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{ FDRIVES.DEC - include file for the PRUSSG unit FDOS to speed up and enhance
drive related operations under DOS / interface part }
RELEASE 1.00 - as first contained in the file PRUS101.LZH
by Orazio Czerwenka, 2:2450/540.55, GERMANY
organized for Fido's PASCAL related echoes
09/06/1994 to --/--/---- by Orazio Czerwenka, 2:2450/540.55, GERMANY
As far as third party copyrights are not violated this
source code is hereby placed to the public domain. Use
it whatever way you want, but use AT YOUR OWN RISK.
In case you should modify the source rather send your
modifications to the unit's current organizer (see above for
NM address) than to spread it on your own. This will help to
keep the unit updated and grant a certain standard to all
other users as well.
The unit is currently still under work. So it might greatly
benefit of your participation.
Those who contributed to the following piece of source,
listed in alphabethical order:
Orazio Czerwenka, Andrew Eigus, Peter Schuette ...
Credits in your own programs are as welcome as unnecessary.
Special thanks to Andrew Eigus (2:5100/33, Latvia) who greatly
supported this piece of source by contributing a special PD
version of his Unit ENHDOS.
{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
{ GetDriveType return values }
dtError = $00; { Bad drive }
dtFixed = $01; { Fixed drive }
dtRemovable = $02; { Removable drive }
dtRemote = $03; { Remote (network) drive }
dtCDROM = $04; { CD-ROM V2.00+ drive }
dtCompressed = $05; { Compressed drive }
{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
{ Disk information block structure }
TDiskParamBlock = record
Drive : byte; { Disk drive number (0=A, 1=B, 2=C...) }
SubunitNum : byte; { Sub-unit number from driver device header }
SectSize : word; { Number of bytes per sector }
SectPerClust : byte; { Number of sectors per cluster -1
(max sector in cluster) }
ClustToSectShft : byte; { Cluster-to-sector shift }
BootSize : word; { Reserved sectors (boot secs; start of root dir }
FATCount : byte; { Number of FATs }
MaxDir : word; { Number of directory entries allowed in root }
DataSect : word; { Sector number of first data cluster }
Clusters : word; { Total number of allocation units (clusters)
+2 (number of highest cluster) }
FATSectors : byte; { Sectors needed by first FAT }
RootSect : word; { Sector number of start of root directory }
DeviceHeader : pointer; { Address of device header }
Media : byte; { Media descriptor byte }
AccessFlag : byte; { 0 if drive has been accessed }
NextPDB : pointer { Address of next DPB (0FFFFh if last) }
PDiskParamBlock = ^TDiskParamBlock;
{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
{ Disk allocation data structure }
PDiskAllocInfo = ^TDiskAllocInfo;
TDiskAllocInfo = record
FATId : byte; { FAT Id }
Clusters : word; { Number of allocation units (clusters) }
SectPerClust : byte; { Number of sectors per cluster }
SectSize : word { Number of bytes per sector }
{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
function GetVerify : boolean;
{ GETVERIFY - DOS service function
Description: Returns the state of the verify flag in DOS.
When off (False), disk writes are not verified.
When on (True), all disk writes are verified to insure proper
writing; fn=54h
Returns: State of the verify flag }
{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
function SetVerify(Verify : boolean) : boolean;
{ SETVERIFY - DOS service function
Description: Sets the state of the verify flag in DOS; fn=2Eh
Returns: Previous state of the verify flag }
{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
function GetCurDisk : byte;
{ GETCURDISK - DOS disk service function
Description: Retrieves number of disk currently being active; fn=19h
Returns: Default (current, active) disk number (0=A,1=B,2=C,3=D) }
{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
function SetCurDisk(Drive : byte) : byte;
{ SETCURDISK - DOS disk service function
Description: Sets current (default/active) drive; fn=0Eh
Returns: Number of disks in the system }
{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
procedure GetDriveAllocInfo(Drive : byte; var Info : TDiskAllocInfo);
{ GETDRIVEALLOCINFO - DOS disk service function
Description: Retrieves disk allocation information; fn=1Ch
Retrieves Info structure }
{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
function GetDPB(Drive : byte; var DPB : TDiskParamBlock) : integer;
{ GETDPB - DOS disk service function (undocumented)
Description: Returns a block of information that is useful for applications
which perform sector-level access of disk drives supported by
device drivers; fn=32h
Returns: 0 if successful, negative dosrInvalidDrive error code otherwise
Remarks: Use 0 for default drive }
{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
function DiskSize(Drive : byte) : longint;
{ DISKSIZE - DOS disk service function
Description: Retrieves total disk size; fn=36h
Returns: Total disk size in bytes if successful, negative dosrInvalidDrive
error code otherwise
Remarks: Use 0 for default drive }
{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
function DiskFree(Drive : byte) : longint;
{ DISKFREE - DOS disk service function
Description: Retrieves amount of free disk space; fn=36h
Returns: Amount of free disk space in bytes if successful,
negative dosrInvalidDrive error code otherwise
Remarks: Use 0 for default drive }
{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
function IsFixedDrive(Drive : byte) : boolean;
{ ISFIXEDDRIVE - DOS disk service function
Description: Ensures whether the specified disk is fixed or removable;
Returns: True, if the disk is fixed, False - otherwise
Remarks: Use 0 for default (current) drive }
{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
function IsNetworkDrive(Drive : byte) : boolean;
{ ISNETWORKDRIVE - DOS disk service function
Description: Ensures whether a specified disk drive is a network drive;
Returns: True if drive is a network drive, False if it's a local drive
Remarks: Use 0 for detecting the default (current) drive }
{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
function IsCDROMDrive(Drive : byte) : boolean;
Returns True if a specified drive is a CD-ROM drive, False - if not }
{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
function IsCompressedDrive(Drive : byte) : boolean;
Detects whether a specified drive is a compressed drive; Returns
True if drive is compressed, False - if not; Drives: 0=A,1=B,2=C... }
{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
function GetDriveType(Drive : byte) : byte;
{ GETDRIVETYPE - Disk service function
Description: Detects type for a specified drive
Returns: One of (dt) constants (see const section)
Remarks: 0=detect current (default),1=A,2=B,3=C... }
{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
function LogicalDrives : string;
reports all existing logical drives within a string, e.g. "ABCEG" }
{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
function DriveExists(drive: char) : boolean;
reports FALSE for an invalid drive, TRUE if the specified drive does
{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
internal comments and remarks can be found in FDRIVES.INC